Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon Goals


I admit I'm a very slow reader, I feel like draining my energy when I'm reading, usually one book is enough for a week. But since I'm participating on a read-a-thon I will challenge myself to read 6 books (4 thick books, and 2 thin ones) for two weeks.

1. Finish one book every 3/4 days
2. 150 pages per day
3. Participate on challenges

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon was hosted by Tressa's Wishful Endings and Colorimetry.

Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon

This month is my month; my birth month exactly, plus I have my biggest book haul ever, I gathered 16 books! 13 from our local bookstore (National Book Store) cut-price sale that I saved a lot of money which I will post soon, and 3 from BookSale. And that makes my month so much happy.

Then here comes my problem, aside from my little shelf is now full of books and I don't have enough space for new books anymore, my biggest problem is I don't know what to read first :(. Many days of thinking and finally I came to my conclusion, read books and join a Read-a-thon. Here are my picks that I will read:

Yeah! I have decided to participate again on a read-a-thon, hopefully I can participate well on this 'cause the first one that I have joined ages ago was a disaster, I honestly didn't read a single book that time.

Read-a-thon Information
The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon begins September 8th and ends September 21st. You do not have to be a blogger to sign up. Just use your Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr profile instead (the place you're going to post updates on). Hosted by Tressa's Wishful Endings and Colorimetry.

Wrap Up • August

5 stars for A Game of Thrones and Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief, while 3 stars for Shatter Me.

Shatter Me • Review
A Game of Thrones • Review