To Quit or Not To Quit? + Late Bookish New Year's Resolution


The day after the year ended I was thinking of not to blog anymore, I used the whole month of January to think and decide about it that's the reason why I haven't posted my books resolution for this year I also haven't joined any book challenges 'cause I feel like quitting and I don't know why. Weeks have passed and I still don't have a good reason to quit, so screw it I'M GOING BACK!

First thing first. My New Year's Resolution. I know it's too late but it troubles me every time I think about it.

As usual just like the other year I will post something whenever I feel to, 2 to 3 posts per month is such an achievement.
I will do my very best to visit these blogs that I owe so much at least twice a week to keep in touch with them.
I'll read at least 2 to 3 books a month.
I'll post a review of the books that I enjoyed and haven't posted a review of it.
I will review at least 2 books per month. (as usual)
I really really want to join the TBR Challenge 'cause I have a huge problem on my TBR right now but signing in was already closed, so I guess Goodreads challenge is the only one left (I did well on this last year). 

And the most important is:
Aside from stacking the shelves and book reviews which consist mostly of my blog. I will finally be more active to post my book related life, so this blog will now be my own personal book blogging life, one of the reason why I changed my blog name again which I will discuss more on my next post.

Last but not the least:

I feel it that this year will gonna be a great blogging experience. Yay I miss blogging!


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