"Everyone Needs a Guardian"
Aside from a book lover, I'm also a movie goer, but I'm picky on choosing a movie that will worth every coin to spend. I'm happy to say that I will not hesitate to spend my money on a movie that was based on a book (except twilight. Sorry, I'm not a fan of vampires). And now I had decided to feature the movies that adapt from a book that will hit the big screen.
I'm sure I'll gonna enjoy this, for kids and kids-at-heart.
Aside from a book lover, I'm also a movie goer, but I'm picky on choosing a movie that will worth every coin to spend. I'm happy to say that I will not hesitate to spend my money on a movie that was based on a book (except twilight. Sorry, I'm not a fan of vampires). And now I had decided to feature the movies that adapt from a book that will hit the big screen.
I'm sure I'll gonna enjoy this, for kids and kids-at-heart.

Rise of the Guardians is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated fantasy-adventure film based on William Joyce's The Guardians of Childhood book series and The Man in the Moon short film by Joyce and Reel FX.
Jack Frost (Pine) is a carefree boy who has no responsibilities in the world aside from bringing winter wherever he goes. But everything changes when Pitch (Law), the Nightmare King, begins his plan to engulf the world in darkness. The Guardians, Santa Claus (Baldwin), the Tooth Fairy (Fisher), the Easter Bunny (Jackman) and the Sandman enlist Jack to join their group to stop Pitch and protect the children of the world.
Meet the Guardians
"Know more about the guardians by clicking their image, you will be directed to youtube"
"Know more about the guardians by clicking their image, you will be directed to youtube"

Tooth is a beautiful, elegant, blue and green iridescent fairy. She is
half-human and half-hummingbird. Full of energy and always in motion,
her feet never touch the ground. Everyone knows the Tooth Fairy collects
children's teeth with the help of her fleet of mini fairies that patrol
the globe 24/7. What you don't know is that the teeth hold the most
precious childhood memories. Tooth safeguards these teeth in her palace
and returns the memories when you need them most.
—Rise of the Guardians official site
—Rise of the Guardians official site

E. Aster Bunnymund
Bunny, as he's known, is a cool calm Australian, as dry as the Outback. A natural ranger, he is an in the dirt, rough and tumble protector of nature. He follows nature's rhythms and when it's time for action he waits for the perfect moment to act. And when he finally does, it's all over in a heartbeat with the help of his enchanted boomerangs and exploding Easter eggs. Bunny is completely unflappable. The only thing that does get under his skin is North's constant ribbing about how Christmas is more important than Easter.
—Rise of the Guardians official site

Sandman is the guardian of dreams. Although he doesn't speak, he communicates through sand images that he conjures above his head much like a game of charades. Think Harp Marx meets Buddha. He is ancient and wise and incredibly powerful. Although peaceful by nature, the Sandman is a fierce fighter expertly wielding his dreamsand whips to fight Pitch and his nightmares.
—Rise of the Guardians official site

Nicholas St. North
You probably know North as Santa Claus, but he is not the typical belly-full-of-jelly character with which you are familiar. North is a warrior with a heart of gold. He has "Naughty" tattooed on one arm and "Nice" on the other. Fierce, demanding, and impulsive, everything about him is larger than life. For North, nothing is impossible as long as he believes in it.
—Rise of the Guardians official site
Jack Frost
Jack Frost is a supernatural being much like the Guardians. But unlike
the others he is a loner, the classic rebel without a cause. He too is
immortal, eternally young, charismatic, and smart. He has incredible
weather powers that he controls with the help of his magical staff; he
can call the wind, storms, cold and snow. He is the spirit of mischief
and chaos personified. But until he can discover the purpose behind his
amazing powers, he will never be a true Guardian.
—Rise of the Guardians official site
—Rise of the Guardians official site

Pitch is the boogeyman that hides under your bed and the reason you're
afraid of the dark. He's had to endure generations of parents telling
their children not to fear or believe in him, while the Guardians are
beloved by all. But in his underground lair Pitch has devised a plan to
change all that. With the help of his sinister army of nightmares. Pitch
plans to destroy belief in the Guardians and all they represent - until
there is nothing left but fear.
—Rise of the Guardians official site
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William Joyce at Goodreads by clicking the image
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